作者:釋證嚴 (Shih Cheng Yen)
譯者:Dharma as Water Team, Tzu Chi USA
出版日期:2014 年 07 月
About Author
Dharma Master Cheng Yen was born in 1937 in a small town in Taichung County, Taiwan. When she was twenty-three years old, she left home to become a Buddhist nun, and was instructed by her mentor, Venerable Master Yin Shun, to work “for Buddhism and for all living beings.”
In 1966, she founded a charity, which later turned into the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, to “help the poor and educate the rich”—to give material aid to the needy and inspire love and humanity in both givers and recipients.
In recent years, Master Cheng Yen’s contributions have been increasingly recognized by the global community. In 2011, she was recognized with the Roosevelt Institute’s FDR Distinguished Public Service Award and was named to the 2011 TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people.
The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance, also known as Water Repentance, written by Tang Dynasty Dharma Master Wu-da, is an explanation of the power of karma and the strength of repentance. It catalogues the innumerable afflictions and obstacles that Bodhisattva-practitioners encounter on their journey of spiritual practice. And it presents a practice of repentance to eliminate these obstacles.
Dharma as Water consists of three volumes. It is a compilation of five years of lectures taught by Master Cheng Yen. The first volume of the book is an introduction followed by an explanation of how to cultivate the Seven States of Mind that are used in repentance practice.
The second volume covers the Obstruction of Afflictions. Each chapter of the main teaching begins with a selection of text from the Water Repentance over a gray background, and is followed by Master Cheng Yen’s explanation. It is our hope that this English version will serve as an inspiration for Bodhisattva-practitioners all over the world. We hope that people will come together to study and practice these repentance teachings, and in doing so, bring purity to their minds and to the world.
Repenting the Obstructions of Afflictions
Repenting Our Mental Karma
All Afflictions Arise from the Mind
The Three Poisons of the Mind: Greed, Anger, and Ignorance
The Calamity of Afflictions
The Afflictions in Groups of 3–108
The Merits and Virtues That Arise from Repenting Afflictions
The Afflictions in Groups of Three through Six
The Afflictions in Groups of 7–108
Practice Repentance and Give Rise to the Two Thoughts
Introduction to the Two Thoughts
Explanation of the Two Thoughts
Advising People to Repent Again
After Life Is Over, We Face King Yama
When Facing the Most Dreaded, It Is Too Late for Regret
The Mind Gives Rise to Afflictions
The Afflictions that Arise from Greed
The Afflictions that Arise from Anger
The Afflictions that Arise from Ignorance
Merits and Virtues Arise from Repenting Afflictions of the Mind
The Four Methods of Contemplation
Introduction for the Four Methods of Contemplation
First, Contemplate Causes and Conditions
Second, Contemplate Effects and Retributions
Third, Contemplate One’s Own Body
Fourth, Contemplate the Tathagaha-body
Repent Obstacles of Practice
Obstacles to the Heaven Realm, Human Realm,and State of Arhathood
Obstacles to the Bodhisattva-path before the Ten Grounds
Obstacles to the Bodhisattva-path of the Ten Grounds
Merits and Virtues Arise from
Repenting Obstacles to Practice
All Afflictions Arise from the Mind
Of the Three Obstructions, the first is affliction, the second is karma, and the third is retribution. These three are interrelated and sequential. Afflictions are the source of all negative karma. Negative karmic causes and conditions will result in the fruition of suffering. Therefore, today we sincerely repent. We must first repent the Obstruction of Afflictions. These afflictions all arise from our minds. How does this happen? When thoughts arise in the mind, speech and physical actions follow.
~Quotes from PAGE 11
Merits and Virtues Arise from Repenting Afflictions of the Mind
We vow to repent all afflictions caused by karma of the mind, such as greed, anger, and ignorance etc. With the merits and virtues that arise life after life, we will break the banner of arrogance, drain the water of desire, quell the fire of anger, dispel the darkness of ignorance, uproot the root of doubt, and sever the net of wrong views. We will deeply realize that the Three Realms are like a prison, the Four Elements are like poisonous snakes, the Five Skandhas are like vicious thieves, the Six Entrances are like an empty collection, and superficial love is disguised as something good. We will practice the Eightfold Path, eliminate the source of ignorance and head directly toward Nirvana without pause or rest. The Thirty-seven Practices will always be present in our minds, and the Ten Paramitas will constantly appear in front of us. As we have now repented and made vows with deep sincerity, we have faith in and will pay respect to the ever-abiding Three Treasures.
~Quotes from PAGE 479
證嚴上人於一九三七年,出生於臺灣省臺中縣清水鎮。在一九六三年,證嚴上人依印順導師為親教師出家,師訓「為佛教,為眾生」,證嚴上人奉持不懈。一九六六年,證嚴上人創辦佛教克難慈濟功德會。慈濟世界在法師慈悲呵護下,數十年來,一步一步地堅實茁壯;發展為慈善、醫療、教育、人文四大志業,以及國際賑災、環保、社區志 工、骨髓捐贈八大腳印,透過親手拔除眾生的苦痛,以善與大愛膚慰人間。
近年來,證嚴上人的貢獻獲得國際間一致推崇;於2011年獲美國羅斯福基金會頒贈「傑出公共服務獎」, 並被時代雜誌列為2011年全球百大最具影響力人物。
證嚴上人以長達五年的時間宣講《水懺》,集結而成 《法譬如水》共三冊。上冊開宗明義簡介懺悔法門,並講述如何經由履行懺悔而修持〈滅障七心〉。中冊涵蓋〈懺煩惱障〉;每章節起始選錄一段《水懺》原文,以灰底設計凸顯之,緊接著陳述證嚴上人的講述。期許此英文版的出版對全球的修行者有所啟發,也期望眾人透過共修研讀及修行此懺悔法門,不僅自淨其心且淨化世界。